Tip: Making soups from concentrate

Wintertime is soup time! With the Pacojet, you can easily pacotize® soup concentrates and produce soups that preserve the optimum color of the food while saving space in the freezer. This enables efficient storage. Have a look at our recipes here: https://pacojet.com/en-GB/Recipes/Soups/

Tip: Maximum sugar content

The possibilities for creative desserts from the Pacojet are endless. For optimum consistency, we recommend a maximum sugar content of 150 g per pacotizing® beaker. Bear in mind that fruit already contains natural sugar and adjust the sugar content accordingly.

Tip: Lactose-free or vegan variants

Do you want to provide lactose-free or vegan varieties for your banquets? Use the Pacojet to make milk alternatives from oats, almonds, cashew, coconut, rice or soy. By preparing them yourself, you have full control over the ingredients, which allows you to select the best, natural ingredients and avoid additives.Have a look at our recipes here: https://pacojet.com/en-GB/Recipes/Drinks/

Tip: Large quantities of ice cream

Will you prepare a large quantity of one type of ice cream for the festive Christmas menu? To ensure an even result in each pacotizing® beaker, we recommend blending the food first, dividing the mixture between the individual pacotizing® beakers and then freezing them.

Tip: Banquets at Christmas

Do you have large banquets coming up? If the pacotized® ice cream has become too firm while waiting for the last desserts, then the Jet® mode of the Pacojet 4 is the ideal solution. It allows you to pacotize® in 90 seconds so that you can quickly conjure up the ice cream back to the perfect serving consistency.

Tip: Lactose-free chocolate cake

Make guests with lactose intolerance happy and prepare a lactose-free mixture for a chocolate cake. This allows you to have a reserve in the freezer in case someone expresses a need for lactose-free options at short notice. Have a look at the recipe here: https://pacojet.com/en-GB/Recipes/Doughs-and-masses/Chocolate-cake-with-a-liquid-core-Video/